Can you take amino acids with antidepressants

If a simple analysing system becomes available in the future we will aim to carry out follow-up studies. Thus, further studies are required to determine any set patterns.

Knowledge about the complex interaction between BCAAs and mTor is still limited and requires ongoing research. Finally, additional studies might address the question, if the effects observed might be reversible after clinical improvement of depressive symptomatology in patients with major depression.

A reduced activation of mTor due to a reduction of BCAAs could play a crucial and unrecognised factor in the etiology of depression and may provoke depressive symptomatology and lower energy metabolism in patients with major depression.

However, not only biological pathways but also psychological variables might provoke severe mental illness and reduced health-related quality of life in patients suffering from major depression. Thus the synopsis of all contributing factors into one holistic biopsychosocial model is the main scientific goal in the future [ 32 ]. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U.

PLoS One. Published online Aug 4. Christoph Robier 3 Hospital of the Brothers of St. Gerhard Reicht 3 Hospital of the Brothers of St. Peter Hlade 3 Hospital of the Brothers of St. Soraya Seedat, Editor. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Received Apr 27; Accepted Jul This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract Background The proteinogenic branched-chain amino acids BCAAs valine, leucine and isoleucine might play an unrecognised crucial role in the development of depression through their activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin mTor pathway.

Methods The concentrations of valine, leucine and isoleucine were determined in 71 in-patients with major depression and 48 healthy controls by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Conclusions Our study results are strong evidence that in patients with major depression, BCAAs might be appropriate biomarkers for depression. Introduction The proteinogenic branched-chain amino acids BCAAs leucine, isoleucine and valine are the most hydrophobic of the amino acids and belong to the nine essential amino acids [ 1 ].

Aims of the Study BCAAs might play an unrecognised crucial role in the development of depressive symptomatology through their activation of the mTor pathway. Materials and Methods Participants and Study Design This publication is part of our research project on the etiopathogenesis and health consequences of depressive symptomatology in somatically healthy patients with major depression.

Biological Assessments For all fasting study participants subjects with major depression at the time of in-patient admittance and the somatically healthy controls blood was sampled between Psychiatric Assessments As previously described [ 14 ] all participants were evaluated in a blinded clinical interview performed by experienced consultation-liaison psychiatrists O. Statistical Analyses All descriptive statistics regarding sociodemographic, biochemical and psychometric data are presented as mean and standard deviation SD.

Results Sociodemographic, Clinical and Treatment Characteristics The basic sociodemographic, clinical BDI-II-, HAMD scores and treatment characteristics of the participating 71 in-patients with major depression and the 48 healthy controls of our research project have already been described in detail in our previous study concerning nitric oxide-related biological pathways [ 14 ]. Table 1 Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the participants [ 14 ].

Open in a separate window. Table 2 Antidepressants before in-patient admittance. HAMD Hamilton rating scale for depression.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids The BCAAs valine, leucine and isoleucine are significantly decreased in patients with major depression in comparison with healthy subjects. Table 4 Biological assessments for the patients with major depression at the time of in-patient admittance to the Department of Psychiatry and healthy controls.

Discussion In the current study the three BCAAs valine, leucine and isoleucine were significantly decreased in patients with major depression. Limitations In general, in healthy non-psychiatric subjects fasting blood BCAAs levels seem to be stableover time in a narrow range.

Conclusions A reduced activation of mTor due to a reduction of BCAAs could play a crucial and unrecognised factor in the etiology of depression and may provoke depressive symptomatology and lower energy metabolism in patients with major depression. Funding Statement The authors received no specific funding for this work. Data Availability All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. References 1.

Branch chain amino acids: biomarkers of health and disease. Glial metabolism of valine. Neurochem Re. Branched-chain amino acids activate key enzymes in protein synthesis after physical exercise. J Nutr. Baseline metabolomic profiles predict cardiovascular events in patients at risk for coronary artery disease. Am Heart J. Branched chain amino acid profile in early chronic kidney disease. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. Branched-chain amino acids for people with hepatic encephalopathy.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Calapai's warning echoes one Dr. Goldstone gave me in our very first conversation: In the scientific community, no news doesn't necessarily mean good news. There might not be research to support a dangerous link between a certain supplement and antidepressant pairing today, but tomorrow there may be.

Goldstone says. When you're dealing with depression, even simple self-care rituals can seem difficult to complete; here's why they're still so important. Exercise is critical, too. Find out just how much an expert says you should be moving in order to mitigate the blues. Your official excuse to add "OOD" ahem, out of doors to your cal.

Become an Insider. Enter Email Address. Facebook Pinterest Twitter Youtube Instagram. Adding vitamins and supplements to your daily care regimen can help improve your general health and stave off ailments. According to a national Wakefield Research survey , nearly 40 percent of Americans who take prescription medications are unaware of vitamin interactions. The combination of SSRI and antidepressant medications with supplements can be especially dangerous. If you have an anxiety disorder or depression , your doctor may prescribe a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor SSRI.

These are safe for most people, but when taken with supplements or vitamins, the results can be risky. Thank you Trudy!!! I am aware that the other amino acids compete with Tryptophan. But are there any others I should be aware of??

Thanks Karen. Hi Trudy, This interests me as well. Then my amino blend with breakfast and my other supps. Is it okay to take with the DLPA and tyrosine?

Then mid afternoon I should separate tyrosine and tryptophan — but I can have GABA with tryptophan and glutamine mid afternoon and before bed?

No problem Cheryl — this all sounds fine. I also like to make one change at a time so we know the effects — good or bad. Hi Trudy, Thanks for all you do. Would you be able to provide feedback regarding the mechanism in which glutamine is something to be cautious of in bipolar. Are you inferring to the glutamate theory? Thanks so much, Sarah. These results are important in helping us better understand the pathophysiology of child and adolescent BPD and helping to develop better and more targeted treatments, in particular, those treatments affecting the metabolism of glutamine by the regulation of glutamine synthetase activity.

Mania may be associated with reduced glutamatergic function in the ACC; and those reductions in glutamate may be increased following successful treatment with glutamatergic agents. No differences between the patient and control group in amino acid levels were observed in cerebrospinal fluid. The observed differences in serum amino acid levels may be interpreted as a systemic aberration in amino acid metabolism that affects several amino acids related to glutamate signaling.

The results of this meta-analysis suggest that brain Glx levels are elevated in BD patients and support the idea that glutamate might play an important role in the pathophysiology of BD. The glutamine-bipolar precaution is based on a letter published in the American Journal of Psychiatary in Mebane AH. L-Glutamine and mania. Goodwin, Kay Redfield Jamison and a number of articles.

I suspect we may see some people do well and some may have an issue with it — as with everything and all conditions. As with any amino acid, if you get an adverse reaction you simply stop it. And start super-low if there are any concerns. Hi Trudy, I just signed up for a one-on-one consultation on your waiting list. I have tried an amino acid trial the past 10 days and starting two days ago I was worse, including migraine headaches. The sleep was not great so I switched to tryptophan two days ago and got a migraine headache in the middle of the night.

Last night I switched back to 5-HTP and still got another migraine headache. I have lived with intense anxiety all my life and major sleep issues all my life. I had high hopes in this and I hope that you can give me some direction on which way to go.

Thank you so so so very much in advance! Warmly, Heather. I appreciate what you do for us. Backstory: gallbladder removed in due to blocked cystic duct and no functioning. I find when I add mg of taurine to the designs for health stress adapt my sleep is much better. Im experimenting with adding another mg of taurine to my water bottle during the day. Is taurine under 1, mg a day safe to stay on indefinitely. What other supplements should someone without a gall bladder take with regularity?

Thanks for your wisdom. Robin Taurine is great for liver and gallbladder support and long-term use is typically fine. Ox bile is the other supplement I have my clients use. This is the way I work with clients who are wanting to quit SSRI medications: we work on optimizing their health, gut, sleep, adrenals, stress etc via diet no gluten, no caffeine, no sugar, eating for blood sugar control and supplements first.

Once they are doing well, they work with their doctor on the SSRI taper, adjusting amino acids up, if needed, as they go down on the medication. And then they continue with nutritional support once they have stopped the SSRI. All this mitigates the side-effects of a taper.

I have a 16 year old daughter. She started having OCD symptoms about 3 months ago, which have been increasing during the last 2 weeks. She is anxious without any apparent cause and pretty much you describe her symptoms when you speak about GABA. OCD is often related to low serotonin so doing this section of the questionnaire will help to figure it out.

Your blog and research is incredibly fascinating! I have taken the questionnaire for both amino acids and pyluria and have then purchased liedtkes tryptophan, Tyrosine, twice a day multi, magnesium, B6 — all from your approved brand list. I am wondering the timing and dosage on each one of these. I know you recommend starting out with mg of tryptophan and am assuming that would be at bedtime but unsure about the others. I started mg tyrosine yesterday. Took it again today and I think it was fine…possibly better..

Nervous to take the emergency vitamin C because it says it is energizing and I already feel so energized. Any idea? Did I take to much? I have almost every symtpom under the low serotonin checklist so I was so sure tryptophan would help me. Dallis Sorry to hear this.

I have my clients do just one amino acid for at least week and start really low opening a capsule and using just a pinch if sensitive. I also use tyrosine last for anxious clients but too much of any of the aminos can cause adverse effects, even tryptophan. Also some do better on 5-HTP. I was wondering if there were any issues with taking essential amino acids and lithium orotate 5mg together, or within an hour of each other.

I have just started taking 5-HPT for insomnia and weight loss and pain but I have been unable to find out if it is safe with asthma. My medical problems are asthma, adrenal insufficiency, high blood pressure, hiatus hernia, alerigic rhinitis, osteoporosis and allodynia.

At the same time I get some days with very big anxiety. I have very low pressure always and I have a very high frequency tinnitus in my right ear for 1 year and my glands are hard in general. I recently started tryptophan and I want to see if some other Amino Acid could help me. Hi, suffered major anxiety for a few years, tried all self help etc. Did go citalopram 40mg after initially 20mg doing some good. Went on 40mg..

Decided to stop 8 months later and bad anxiety again. After a few years of complete suffer I went back on citalopram and it was the best decision. After 1 tablet I basically felt my brain and body feel normal and had 6 years of freedom. Side effects r killing me too. Could any body please help. I would love to eliminate this horrible condition naturally but scared being on and off the tablets. Any advice. I use tumeric and magnesium and pro biotic supplements.

I gave it a try but with no relief for me. Reluctantly, I tried it and was only able to tolerate it for 13 days. I had to stop because it made my symptoms worse, not better. So I went back to the internet and found 5-HTP. I started out with the smallest dose and increased until I found relief and I stuck with it mg daily …until I became pregnant again.

Do you have any knowledge on whether the same contradictions you mention also apply to taking a triptan medication when you are also taking neurotransmitter supplements like gaba, dl- phenylalanine, l glutamine, and 5 htp? The same warning you mention for SSRI use is also applicable for those taking triptans for migraine. Hi Trudy, I apolgize if this is a repeat question. I have been reading about the wonders of glutamine for improving mood and reducing junk-food cravings.

But in the past I was given an l-glutamine supplement and it made me anxious and jittery. Is there another amino you would suggest to replace glutamine with?

Alyeska Glutamine can be too stimulating for some people. Hello Trudy! I just ordered the L — Tryptophan you recommend for my anxiety and sleep issues. Based on your article, it seems I have low serotonin. High anxiety and insomnia are my main issues. Depression and low self esteem has set in after dealing with my two main issues for so long. I hated antidepressants, but needed something for sleep. Would go DAYS sometimes due to racing thoughts and high cortisol levels been tested.

My dr prescribed my 50 mg of Trazadone 3 months ago, which helps for the most part for sleep, but I really want to get off of it and sleep naturally again.

I know it is an antidepressant, but only at high doses like mg from what I read. My question is, would it be safe to take L — Tryptophan while weaning off of Trazadone?

Or do you have any other suggestions for me? Was on 5 -htp last year and seemed to help for a few months then stopped. Thank You! The GAD is bad I feel paranoid about everything and have a lot of the physical symptoms, the worse is nausea and digestive problems. Which amino acids can I take that will definitely be safe? This has been going on for 3 months, Please help! Hi Trudy, I am menopausal and suffering from morning anxiety and mood swings.

I take HRT estrogel, testosterone,and serenity pro cream which take care of the vasomotor symptoms, but the anxiety is stubborn. After a serious bout of anxiety attacks, due to trying to reduce things too quickly and some bad advice my anti depressant duloxetine was upped to 90 mg I know!

I have since managed to get it down to 60mg without too many problems. However the morning anxiety remains and dreadful rumination. I take zinc, magnesium, krill oil , D3 regularly in the morning and have 2weekly injections of B I eat healthily, no caffeine, wine and almost no sugar. I am now trying 5htp, while watching out for symptoms of serotonin syndrome.

Nothing seems to work.


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