You never deal with Brushfires or Lava Spews by being in the air the whole time, and you avoid the Fiery Tornado by basically skipping the entire phase. Vanilla Blackwing Lair Bosses with no special instructions Firemaw, Ebonroc, and Flamegor require no special notes, strategies, or talents. Razorgore the Untamed Razorgore was made easier to solo in 5. Chromaggus Be absolutely sure to kill some of the trash between Broodlord and Chromaggus where the three dragon bosses are and loot the Hourglass Sand from them.
Molten Core Boss with no special instructions All of them. Viscidus He was changed to require fewer blows to shatter, but as an enhancement shaman you should be using two slow weapons, so it could be kind of dicey whether you get him to shatter or not. Change your weapon imbues one or both, I like both to Frostbrand.
When he is frozen, pop Feral Spirit. When he explodes, kill as many globs as you can. If you somehow need three frozen phases, use your other elemental or an attack speed enhancer. Repeat steps until you can loot the slime. Twin Emperors Hoo boy. The Burning Crusade Karazhan Coming soon! Lady Vashj Nothing too difficult here, but be sure and hunt down those Tainted Elementals as fast as you can. Void Reaver Kite constantly.
Getting silenced sucks. If you make it past phase 3, you basically win. Archimonde I could tell you the whole thing about making sure you know how to use your Tears of Elune, yadda yadda - but if you pop all your cooldowns at once, you can kill Archimonde before he ever casts it once.
Illidan Stormrage Phases 1, 3, and 5 are no big deal. DPS him as usual. Sunwell Plateau Coming soon! Thaddius The first part, where you fight Feugen and Stalagg, is actually the hardest boss in all of Naxxramas. Thaddius himself is a tank and spank. Vault of Archavon Individual watchers Nothing too special. Pull Koralon. Pull Archavon. Try to save at least one healing cooldown. Pull Emalon. By now your health is probably hurting - blow any remaining healing cooldowns highly recommend saving any heals for this phase and Bloodlust, but not until after Archavon has thrown you once.
He likes to pick you up right after you blow cooldowns. If he picks you up in the hallway instead, try not to get too turned around. This is the part I had problems with. I forgot to save a healing cooldown for this phase.
Ulduar Coming soon! Trial of the Crusader Coming soon! Icecrown Citadel Coming soon! Ruby Sanctum The trash Not gonna lie - even the trash in here is hard. General Zarithrian Burst. Halion Initially considered unsoloable due to his Corporality buff, I poked around on YouTube for a while and found that it was doable for a death knight - he simply stayed around in the Twilight Realm for the entire fight.
Stage 2: The Skies are Mine! Stage 3: Burnout! Phase 4: Kael will activate. Melee him and use Maelstrom heals to get yourself back to full quickly. He can cast Arcane Disruption, a ten-second disorient, and will likely cast it on you at least once before the phase ends, so be sure you keep your health up. If he casts a swirly fire thing on the ground, get out.
Phase 5: Same as before, just burn him down. As previously mentioned, Nether Vortexes are used for various blacksmithing, leatherworking, tailoring, and alchemy recipes. In addition, all trash mobs can drop Marks of the Illidary, which are safely junked. The rest of Tier 5 drops from two bosses in TK, and a matching belt drops here as well.
Locations are:. Thus, full locations for T5 are:. In addition, we finally have a raid that actually has some good loot for enhance! Finally, all the blacksmithing, leatherworking, and tailoring patterns available to drop from SSC can also drop from trash and bosses in TK. The Battle for Mount Hyjal is the first raid of Tier 6. Hyjal was the first and so far only Caverns of Time raid, tasking adventurers with going back in time to the end of Warcraft 3 and help Jaina, Thrall, and Tyrande with the defeat of the Burning Legion at Mount Hyjal.
Hyjal is still a bit of an oddity with regards to Caverns of Time instances. In the CoT dungeons released with BC, adventurers were tasked with defeating the Infinite Dragonflight and preventing them from mucking up the timeline. But there is no Infinite presence in Hyjal, nor is there any given story reason for going there. You just…do. Regardless, it does let you relive one of the pivotal moments in Warcraft history, so why do you need more reason than that?
Battle for Mount Hyjal initially required an attunement, which was simpler than those for the previous raid tiers. Though this was alleviated by the attunement requirements for SSC and TK being removed shortly after patch 2. A new version of the quest is still available, but will not reward the title. More on that in a bit. Getting there is not as confusing as it used to be, now that the Caverns of Time has a zone map. The Caverns of Time are located in eastern Tanaris. The fastest way to get there for most players is to head to the Violet Citadel in Dalaran and either take the portal or talk to Zidormi upstairs on the left.
Once inside, follow the tunnel until you arrive in a large chamber. The portal to Hyjal will be the second tunnel on your right, the one with all the trees. If you get lost, just open your map and look for The Battle for Mount Hyjal. Alternatively, talking to the Steward of Time at the entrance will fly you down there automatically, and will deposit you right in front of the tunnel leading to Hyjal.
This view is from the end of the tunnel into the caverns. The portal to Hyjal is along the forested path to the right not the burning trees! Hyjal has a total of five bosses, and possibly the most annoying trash in any raid. Hyjal trash operates off of a wave format, in that a wave of adds will come on a timer, or after you kill all trash in the previous wave.
Thankfully, each wave has its own trash it never deviates from, so planning is easy. For example, the first wave will always be 10 ghouls, the second will always be 10 ghouls and 2 Crypt Fiends, and the third will always be 6 ghouls and 6 Crypt Fiends. Aerials will come in later, but not before the first two bosses. To start the raid, head through the Alliance portal in the entryway and talk to Jaina.
You will need to do this upon arrival and after each boss to continue the raid. Eight waves of trash spawn before each boss, all coming from the direction of the Scourge base to the south. None will pose a threat to you. Take the road to the east out of the Alliance base and follow it to the Horde base.
Enjoy the scenery! Note that during some waves of trash, gargoyles, infernals, and frost wyrms will spawn inside the base itself. Gargoyles can be brought down to ground level by interrupting their spells, infernals will spawn on the ground, and frost wyrms must be killed by ranged attacks. Take the road east again, enjoy the pretty views, and ride to Nordrassil.
No more trash, just Archimonde! Previously, friendly reputation with the Scale was required to enter the raid, which was obtained through completing the Vials of Eternity attunement quest.
Though the requirement has been removed, the quest is still a good way to kick off your Scale rep grind. All trash in the instance after the first wave provides 12 rep apiece, with the exception of Frost Wyrms who provide Blizzard removed the reputation from the first wave to prevent small groups from rep grinding off of the easiest pack. A full clear will net you rep before reputation bonuses. According to Wowhead, the various ring quests will provide a few chunks of rep, so go ahead and finish them as well.
Rewards for the faction include a series of rings available at every reputation level from friendly to exalted: one for melee, casters, healers, and tanks. The quests to get these can be picked up from Soridormi in the Caverns of Time. You can only get these rings if you do the Vials of Eternity quest first, also available from Soridormi; doing so will get you to friendly automatically, letting you pick out a ring immediately.
The faction also contains a large assortment of jewelcrafting designs, available from friendly to revered, purchasable from Indormi in the portal room within the Hyjal instance. These can be obtained from a quicker faction to grind, but the designs are more expensive there more on that later! Trash can also drop Marks of the Illidari which, as mentioned, are worthless.
Requiring mining, they can contain a few BC rare or epic gems, as well as several gray gem fragments that sell for a good chunk of cash. The Battle for Mount Hyjal is one of two raids that initially made up Tier 6, and as such is the source of part of our Tier 6 set: the Skyshatter Harness.
One of the more iconic shaman sets, it invokes the power of lightning in its design. Trash has a chance to drop a large assortment of leatherworking, tailoring, and blacksmithing plans eight, four, and four, respectively. Released in patch 2. Kill Illidan and his forces will be all but defeated, and Outland will be free from his grasp. Even though Illidan had informed everyone that they were not prepared, the ability to enter his lair in the Black Temple was unlocked only four months after BC launched.
After this, there was no more raid content planned for the expansion, as they figured that Wrath of the Lich King would be finished fast enough to let BT be the end of BC raiding. However, delays almost always crop up in game development, and Wrath was no exception. If nothing had been done about this, raiders would have had nothing beyond BT for a year and a half.
This was alleviated in patches 2. In short, it was a nightmare for any raid group that needed to attune more people, which is why the attunement requirement was removed in patch 2. The questline remains in the game, and its reward is still useful!
The Blessed Medallion of Karabor from the final quest in the chain will allow you a free teleport to the Black Temple, which does make for the fastest way to get there. Head to the eastern side of Shadowmoon Valley; flying east from Shattrath is still pretty quick.
Enter the raid portal there to get in. Over here on the right side towards the back. That crack in the wall on the right houses the portal. Black Temple has a total of nine bosses, with a linear-nonlinear-linear structure. The first two bosses are killed in order, the next four can be killed in any order, and the final three must be killed in order. The order I give the bosses in is my suggested order!
Most of the bosses are easy, but the final two will pose some difficulty. Remember to talk to Akama when he comes in before running upstairs! You need him to unlock the door! Black Temple has its own reputation, the Ashtongue Deathsworn. A group of Ashtongue Broken under the leadership of Akama, they initially allied themselves with Illidan to get revenge on the fel orcs of Shadowmoon Valley, and assisted him in ousting Magtheridon from the Black Temple. The jailing of Maiev gave him the opportunity he needed, along with the arrival of a group of adventurers, allowing him to put his plans into motion.
Just like other raid reps, the Ashtongue Deathsworn is primarily raised through kills in Black Temple. Completing the BT attunement chain will also reward a few thousand reputation. A full clear of all trash and bosses in BT will award about rep before any reputation bonuses are factored in, so the time to grind it to exalted is about the same as that for the Scale of the Sands: weeks.
Rewards for the faction include an assortment of leatherworking, tailoring, and blacksmithing recipes at friendly and honored, which created four-piece shadow resistance sets as well as one shadow resistance cloak tailors can make , which were useful for surviving an assortment of later bosses in the raid.
It just works. It doesn't work as a disease and is purely a DPS increase. Comments and Ratings Average Rating: 4. WCM Stream [! Wow-Annexe stream [! Have fun all. Comment by andreipop Actually you can gain over reputation in just one run or even get to exalted if you are patient. The ideea is to wait after each mass teleport, there will be another wave coming big wave.
Also, after you finish the raid, go back to each camp, there will again be another big wave coming. Kill all and you get around rep. Just go straight to it and do aoe, easy kill. This works best at the alliance base first camp , mobs respawn all the time. This means that you can get all the way to exalted with just one run, without having to wait another week.
Comment by Reignac So, I have a fun time comparing maps. Comment by drproffesorjack You can actually get into the tower behind i used the travel form version of wild charge Comment by I haven't been through this one yet properly, but I'll say this - there is no shame in letting the Alliance punks take your blows for you.
Let Rage use his first Death And Decay on the entry punks, then go in and start pounding hard and fast. Netherweave Cloth to make 7 Netherweave Bags. Reputation: Has Mr. Popilarity and Battle Standard of Coordination. The method: Go to Jaina. Initiate waves, kill bosses. When Jaina initiates mass-teleport Free rep!
Go to Thrall. Another huge wave will come for MORE free rep! Go slaughter the final boss. Now run back! Thrall area should have new baddies.
Kill them. Run back further. Jaina area now has baddies! Here's where the information changes. According to andreipop, waves come every minutes. So after some trial and error I got it all figured out. Now when you run back Thrall's area will be completely overrun by Infernals along with some Ghouls and Crypt buggers. Stay mounted, grab them all,? Same goes for when you run back to Jaina's area. If you are quick enough, you'll catch them en route and be able to slaughter them without cherry picking them.
Then just run ALL the way back to Elven and repeat. I saw wave repeats in as little as 9 minutes. So you can easily knock out Exalted in one sitting. You will fill up and the grays ARE worth vendoring. Made about g in this raid tonight just from vendor. Comment by Nocked Probably one of my least favorite raids, perhaps slightly above AQ which I hate with a passion As far as now soloing it at Just clear waves, smoke boss, repeat 4 times until Arch.
Comment by nahkhaz I'm gonna answer the question everyone's too scared to ask: you cannot fish in the raid.
For real. For the dragons all you gotta do is get agro and start running away, inciting them to give chase and eventually they will be close enough to the ground to dps normally. Comment by ErrEff This might be broken now? I tried soloing this at level and for some reason halfway through the Horde encampment battle the enemies just stop coming.
My status says Invading Enemies: yes, minus and Current Wave: 4 of 8. Comment by pellmell Weird behavior during a run today--my 70 priest, friend's DK. The first wave of mobs at the orc encampment never showed. As such, the game always thought there were 14 mobs alive and each wave took the maximum time to spawn. Finally at wave 8, my addon declared Kaz'rogal was incoming along with some mobs.
Kaz'rogal even said his first line. But none of them ever showed and I noticed Thrall had disappeared. Thrall reappeared. After talking to him, wave 1 came and the rest of the instance functioned as expected. I had no trouble with the orc base waves spawning correctly.
Just a correlation, but who knows. Comment by gbalkam How to get out of the instance without using hearth stone? Ok, Pay attention, since serveral people have posted about this, how there is no way out that returns you to the start.
Like say you want to visit the vendor You can write these down and sticky note them to your computer monitor for easy reference. At any point that you want to exit to the start.. Find a big cliff and jump off 2. Die in a shattered heap of crushed and broken bones 3. Release spirit and spaw at the grave yard 4. Ghost run back and enter the first gate but not the 2nd gate 5 Talk to vendor and leave via the gate you just entered!
Comment by Sarthorius For those of you wondering why the first wave on horde camp isn't coming, and bugging it at the end, after you dispatch both bosses at alliance camp, when you're on the way to horde's, at Did this on my 4th toon didn't do it on 3 previous trying to drop those pets, and after talking to Thrall, DBM warned of first wave, and there they came, first boss done without resets.
I think those gargoyles are bugging the raid somewhat. For faster clear of first two bosses, just 'push' the waves till the 'spawn point', and keep aoeing them all. This way you clear the whole raid faster than waiting and having bugs. Good Pet farming to all. Let me know if you get into these.
You can use Traveler's Tundra Mammoth for easy vendoring if you have it. The next, closest vendor would be either Tydormu or Indormi within the instance antechamber. Ranged abilities are recommended for this raid, as there are multiple flying mobs in the 2nd encampment. Movement speed boosts are recommended for this raid, as you will be running to kill mobs in the 2nd encampment.
The fastest way to this zone is through the Caverns of Time portal in Dalaran. Take this port, fly down into the cavern, keep right to enter the instance antechamber. NOTE : You will be silenced via Eternal Silence if you enter any body of water within the instance, leaving you with the Residue of Eternity debuff for 30s.
Defeat 8 waves of 12 enemies, then Rage Winterchill. You can stand at the wall opening southwest of Jaina, where the mobs run in, and just aoe them down. Speak with Lady Jaina Proudmoore once more to continue on. Defeat 8 waves of 12 enemies, then Anetheron. Speak with Lady Jaina Proudmoore again to continue. She will mass teleport all the friendly NPCs out of the raid. When she is gone, a mass of scourge will come through the wall opening, aoe them down for rep and loot.
Travel Don't bother traveling Southwest through the wall opening. The south-most path is blocked off and the remaining scourge in the scourge encampment will not give you loot OR reputation. Take the Northeast path to continue. Those with at least a Mining skill, note that Ancient Gem Vein will appear along this path. Head East at the fork. Though you can kill the Gargoyle below for reputation. Defeat 8 waves of 12 enemies including flying NPCs and lots of running , then Kaz'rogal.
Speak with Thrall to continue. Defeat 8 waves of 12 enemies including flying NPCs and lots of running , then Azgalor. Speak with Thrall again to continue. When they are gone, a mass of scourge will attack the entire Horde encampment including flying NPCs and lots of running. Can be killed for rep and loot. Travel Take the biggest Eastward path. NOTE : after you complete the entire raid, you can suicide off this mountain to quickly get to the entrance. Take your armor off before doing so.
Night Elf Village You don't need to speak with Tyrande Whisperwind , unless you'd like to obtain Tears of the Goddess for the Archimonde encounter prevents falling damage from his Air Burst.
You can also use any other slow falling ability, or simply run down.. Defeat Archimonde He has a very large aggro radius. For a list of armor sets these tokens can buy, and where to exchange them , please see my comment here.
Comment by Shashos Not sure why they did this, or if it's a bug, but it appears that at some point after the addition of the new raid pets to the bosses, the mineable gem nodes were removed from this raid. Previously, when trying to get the new pets, I stopped and collected these nodes on my miners for a bit of stuff to sell. Today I ran this raid and there were no longer any nodes showing on my mini-map despite ore tracking being turned on.
Poked around the rocks and such where I know nodes used to spawn and nothing there. Makes little to no sense to me for them to remove these as the uncut gems were not worth much vendor wise and the stats on the cut gems were negligible and far outstripped by Wrath gems. Comment by UtileDulci I've been farming patterns recently and I noticed that after killing the first 4 bosses, there will be 2 more waves of combined land and air units coming to the orc base. I killed them as well, then went to the Undead base and faced a gigantic undead wave, around 30 mobs.
Afterwards, nothing else spawned and the mobs inside their base didn't give any loot. Took my mining toon in there to snag a few gems, but there were none in the instance. It's only happened to me twice. Both times were the only times where I let myself get distracted from the business at hand. You know how, when you leave the wee village at the end of the Jaina section, you find yourself looking ahead at the long, canyon ridge road, and you also see that little path to your left that winds down to the village being attacked by gargoyles?
The only two times the Thrall section wigged out on me was on the only two times I went left and took that little path. The first time was to go kill gargoyles. The second time I just moved in a few feet to mine a jewel vein. Both times I touched that path, the Thrall section bugged out. So I don't touch that path anymore. I just move on ahead to Thrall, and only mine the veins that are to my right.
Circumstantial evidence, it may be, but it's what I have. Hope it helps. Bonus information: You can still mine jewels. Just did it a few days ago. Comment by suburbanmisfits Would highly recommend Eido's guide on this, also located in these comments, but I'd like to add one thing. If you're lazy like me, and just need to speed farm the second boss for the pet you can run past the gate after talking to Jaina and kill the mobs where they spawn- on the right a little ways down the hill.
You can see a small encampment of scourged land which you can actually go explore not that there's anything interesting there but still. Saves you the few minutes of waiting for the waves to run up the hill. Happy hunting!
Comment by CzechCloud Since nobody actually mentioned this in the comments, this raid is actually bugged as hell. On the second encounter in the orcish camp, you can actually get stuck inbetween waves.
Sometimes the wave doesnt appear at all, sometimes the boss does not appear, something you get minus minions remaining. I have not found a solution for this yet. Comment by sertacecemis If you are stuck at 2. One more thing dont get too far from camp if you see - minus invading thing it means waves bugged dont kill adds let them kill thrall.
Comment by Emsarrev Seems to have bugged out again after 7. Tried a few times, no luck. One is "Night Elf Village Portal".