Can you dehydrate yogurt

You can also find recipes online like this and this if you want to make it at home. The Instant Pot versions are all the rage , too. For my yogurt tips, the milk type is less important than the sugar content as far as what you want to do with your dehydrated yogurt.

I go through spells where I eat more yogurt than other times. If I am working on up my probiotic intake, I tend to bring home more from the store. Also, I am a bargain shopper. That stuff can be pricey! If I am at the store and a large carton of yogurt is on sale or marked down, I will pick it up.

Dehydrating is a great way to use up yogurt close to the pull date. So, let me tell you more about how to dehydrate yogurt for hiking and backpacking. The last year or so, I have also been sampling non-cow dairy milk yogurt to see if it affects me the same way cow dairy does. I have found that full-fat goat or sheep milk does not give me congestion or gastrointestinal problems that cow does. For some of the dehydrated yogurt I tried, I used these too.

Not only is yogurt a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals, it offers probiotics. Some medical experts even believe it can boost your immune system, curb vaginal infections, prevent osteoporosis and reduce our chance of high blood pressure.

Often when out in the wilderness for an extended period of time, the food we bring is lower in probiotics and prebiotics than foods we eat regularly at home.

Prebiotics are foods we eat that turn into probiotics once in our digestive tract, like non-digestible carbohydrates. Supplementing with things like dehydrated yogurt while hiking and backpacking can help with that. And the bonus is it adds a punch of tangy flavor, too! The answer to this depends on what you want to do with your yogurt once out on the trail.

If you want to rehydrate it to use as actual yogurt, like with granola or fruit, it is best to use yogurt with no added sugar or fruit so you get a drier end result.

If you want to make dehydrated yogurt as a snack, like leather, a higher sugar or fruit content will make it possible to pick the yogurt up with your hands in strips or chunks. Although my experience has been that the source of milk does not matter, if you want your yogurt to last the longest without refrigeration you will want to use non-fat yogurt because of that whole fats-and-oils-will-go-rancid-faster thing.

So far my full-fat dehydrated yogurt has been fine on the pantry shelf for over two months but that is just my experience.

Some of the ways I have experimented with dehydrating yogurt has been to add fruit or veggies! With a one to one ratio, I have added things like blueberries and kale. Next, setting the thermostat to the correct temperature is very important. Interestingly, the thermostat on a dehydrator refers to the temperature of the food, not the air inside. At that rate, it takes about 6 hours for the yogurt to dehydrate. Let the dehydrated yogurt cool down, then use kitchen shears or clean scissors to cut out strips.

I usually make six rolls per tray. Come chow time, peel the dehydrated yogurt off the waxed paper as you unroll it, just like any other roll-up snack. Enjoy smiley face. PH levels are altered, most types of vitamins are destroyed, and enzymes are killed. When using your dehydrator, make sure the temperature is set at F. Keep heating the yogurt for about 6 hours. All dehydrators are not the same. So you have to check the tool after every 4 hours.

Remember, the yogurt rolls you are going to make should be completely dry. To kill bacteria and enzymes, you have to set the temperature at degrees Fahrenheit. But the temperature setting at such a high level has a drawback. You will not get the probiotic benefits. Depending on your needs, the range of temperature can be FF. If you do not need to get it done in a very short time, shoot for F. When you notice that the dehydrated yogurt is dry, it is ready.

If it still feels sticky, keep heating. Further heating will change both the color and the flavor of your yogurt. Room temperature is fine for storing your yogurt rolls. But with the passing of days, you may notice a sour smell. You do not need a lot of space to store dehydrated yogurt.

When yogurt is dehydrated, it becomes pretty tangy. We strongly recommend adding sweetener, because yogurt, once dehydrated, tastes sour. Without any sweetener, this sourness will be evident. A better solution can be seasoning your yogurt with maple syrup, raw honey or stevia drops. You will like the flavor. Commercial bites are also known as yogurt melts yogurt puffs and yogurt melts. The basis idea is to dehydrate dots of yogurt. If you do some research on the internet, you will find that frozen bites are cheaper.

But the fact is, they are not always cheaper. The good news is, you can easily make yogurt bites at home.

The following passages will describe exactly how you can make them. If you follow the instructions step by step, hopefully you will be able to make some yogurt bites that you can enjoy with your friends and family. You may want to make yogurt powder for various reasons. One reason is that powdered yogurt is easier to store.

Once your yogurt is dehydrated, you can easily grind it into find powder. A coffee grinder can be used to do it. Keep the dried yogurt bark into a bag and add some water to the bag. Close the bag, knead it gently and you will get a smooth, creamy consistency. Now you can enjoy it with granola, berries and freeze-dried fruits. You will notice a difference in fresh yogurt and dehydrated yogurt.


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