Can you say pissed off on tv

GMoney said UnHoly Diver said SVP says it all the time on Tirico's radio show. Guess the brass don't listen to that. Drexler says it all the time on Rockets' broadcasts on our local FSN affiliate. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.

Search AA Lijit Search. Subscribe to AA. You Guys Are Lame! In , in FCC v. By contrast, trademark law is a mechanism whereby producers guard against confusion and deception in the marketplace. Nor does registration make a scandalous mark more accessible to children. But before moving on from the potential for the legalization of indecency on broadcast television, consider how times have changed.

Back in the s, broadcast TV and radio were the overwhelmingly dominant form of entertainment and media. The latest case on scandalous trademarks comes less than two years after the Supreme Court struck down the registration ban on disparaging trademarks. One case begets another, and given that the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in Matal v. Improve this answer. Sorry - not the clearest image, but the best I could do. CJM: Whilst we definitely used pissed to mean drunk, I have heard plenty of English people use it to mean "pissed off" as well.

I would not say either are considered profane at all, certainly not in the younger generations, on a par with crap in that regard. Orbling: certainly very true. A couple years ago, I was using crap almost every minute. I still use it occasionally. Normally, I don't use pissed off or pissed , but I hear it in conversation all the time. I mean, I have friends who tell me point blank when "I'm pissing them off"!

And I don't bat an eyelid. It may be considered uncouth in certain situations, but among the youth, like you said, the p -word is certainly not on the level of the f -word, or even the s -word, which is gradually being vulgarized vulgarize here means to make commonplace.

Jimi Oke: I have always thought that the etymology of the word vulgar was very apt. I am not sure citing "the youth of today" on the subject of profanity acceptance was overly wise of me, as a day does not go past without me hearing the c-word not crap!

I'm approached 40 now, which might define my view on this. It is used in work environments, and even my mother-in-law wouldn't object which is a key barometer! Show 4 more comments. And of course, among your friends you should often try to say things that piss them off :. Jason Jason 2 2 gold badges 9 9 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. Andrea Andrea 11 1 1 bronze badge. ScotM Taylor Taylor 1. Featured on Meta.


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