There are very, very few illnesses that require you to stop breastfeeding 1. Feeding a baby when you are unwell can make you feel even more tired, so do rest and ensure you are eating properly and drinking enough to stay hydrated.
And, i f you feel very unwell, please seek medical advice. Oral rehydration salts such as Dioralyte are safe to use. There may be times when your illness needs a prescription of antibiotics from your doctor to sort it out. Your GP will prescribe you antibiotics that are safe for breastfeeding. If you don't use it within one hour for instance if you're giving it to a baby over the course of the day you should keep it in a fridge, in which case it may be kept for up to 24 hours. When should I see a doctor?
People with any of the problems listed below should consult a doctor, because diarrhoea should be treated under medical advice in these cases: People with kidney disease including people who are producing very small amounts of urine or no urine. People with liver disease. People with diabetes. People on a low sodium or potassium diet. People who cannot drink or keep down fluids taken by mouth. Who should not take Dioralyte? People with a blockage in the stomach or intestines.
People who are allergic or intolerant to any ingredient of the medicine. Check the ingredients in the leaflet that comes with Dioralyte sachets if you know you have specific allergies or intolerances. Can I take Dioralyte while pregnant or breastfeeding? Yes - Dioralyte can be used safely during pregnancy and breastfeeding. What are the possible side effects of Dioralyte?
Medicines and their possible side effects can affect individual people in different ways. However, no side effects are expected from taking Dioralyte solution. For more information about any other possible risks associated with Dioralyte, please read the information provided with the medicine or ask your doctor or pharmacist. Share It. Health Reference:.
Food poisoning ,. Diabetic ketoacidosis ,. More Videos. Chat with us , powered by LiveChat. Do you have a Question? Like Us on Facebook. Lynch's Pharmacy, Douglas. Dioralyte doesn't stop the diarrhoea itself. It helps to stop you getting dehydrated as a result of the diarrhoea. Taking rehydration salts is particularly important for frail or elderly people and children and babies with diarrhoea, who can easily become very ill due to dehydration.
Dioralyte sachets contain rehydration salts, which consist of sugar glucose and electrolytes sodium chloride, potassium chloride and disodium hydrogen citrate. Diarrhoea makes you lose more fluids and electrolytes salts such as sodium and potassium than you usually would and can make you dehydrated. Taking Dioralyte replaces these fluids and salts to help rehydrate you.
You dissolve the contents of Dioralyte sachets in water and this provides the fluid replacement. The glucose in the sachets helps the water and electrolytes to be absorbed from your intestines.
Dioralyte can be taken by most people, including women who are pregnant or breastfeeding , elderly people, children and babies. However, it's not suitable for:. Diarrhoea should be treated under medical advice in some situations. It's important to see your doctor if you or your child:.
It may help to use a straw. After 24 to 48 hours, as the diarrhoea improves, you can start to gradually re-introduce small amounts of food.