PEIA will cover an initial and follow-up visit to your physician or nurse practitioner. Tobacco-cessation products both prescription and non-prescription are available at no cost when prescribed by a physician and purchased through a network pharmacy.
Both the deductible and the copayment are waived. PEIA will cover two week cycles of drug therapy even if more than one type of therapy is used. If extended therapy is required, the provider must submit a written appeal to the director of PEIA with proof of medical necessity. You can use the benefit office visits and prescriptions twice per year i. For more information and details about which tobacco-cessation products are covered under the Affordable Care Act Preventive Services, visit the PEIA cessation services website, call or email peia.
Health Plan offers a free program to help individuals who wish to stop smoking, rubbing and chewing tobacco products by participating in an eight-week session to learn ways to change habits. Participants will talk about the importance of physical activity, nutrition, enhancing their sense of self-control, and improving life skills such as stress management, decision making, coping and interpersonal skills.
Additionally, they will learn to identify their reasons for smoking or vaping, healthy alternatives to tobacco use and finding people who will support them in their efforts to quit. After attending a seven-hour training, each facilitator is provided with a guide to deliver the structured curriculum in a school or community-based small group setting.
N-O-T is an evidence-based program with an impressive success rate, with approximately 90 percent of teens who participate in the program cutting back or quitting tobacco all together. N-O-T's revolutionary approach has earned the program a number of accolades.
Adults or organizations who wish to facilitate N-O-T are invited to learn more about the American Lung Association's youth cessation resources, which include:. For additional questions, please email [email protected]. Visit the Center's for Disease Control site to learn more about tobacco cessation Quitlines. A quit coach will work with you to develop a personalized plan and provide you with information that will help you quit tobacco.
Any information you provide or discuss with your quit coach during the call is completely confidential. The WV Tobacco Cessation Quitline provides highly trained, certified phone coaches to help participants quit tobacco. Learn about Combining Quit Medications below. Nicotine Replacement Therapy Quit Medications. GUM Chew to release nicotine. If you want to quit with nicotine patches and gum or lozenges, there are 3 options for how to get them, how much you get and what it costs: 1.
Learn more. If you have Medicaid and a prescription, you can receive unlimited preferred brands of nicotine patches and gum or lozenges or up to 16 weeks of non-preferred brands at no cost to you. Ask your doctor for details.
If you have other medical insurance you may have access to free or discounted NRT with a prescription. Prescription-only Quit Medications. Combining Quit Medications Are you wondering how medication can help you quit smoking, vaping or other tobacco? Some of the more common ones include: Feeling down or sad.
Trouble sleeping. Feeling irritable, grouchy or on-edge. Trouble thinking clearly or concentrating. Feeling restless and jumpy. Slower heart rate.