Posted on Jan 16, When do you salute with your left hand? SSG P Join to see. Posted in these groups: Customs and Courtesies Honor Guard. Follow this discussion. Responses: 8. Sort By Newest Oldest Votes. TSgt John Marshall. Posted 3 y ago. When your right arm is misding or incapacitated. Otherwise there are only two positions in the US military that have authorization to salute left handed as part of their duty: the drum major of the Army Fife and Drum Corps and a Boatswain's Mate.
Vote up. Vote down. SSG P Join to see 3 y. What about saluting a passing officer while holding a unfurled unit guidon? Well, it's not. If you're not in uniform, you can't salute," Potter said. If it appears that not saluting was intentional, most officers will simply ask why they were not saluted. The usual response is that the officer's rank was not easily identifiable, the subordinate felt that saluting was not appropriate at that particular location or time, or was simply distracted when they met.
A provision of the Defense Authorization Act changed federal law to allow U. Specifically, a proper salute goes as follows: Raise the right hand sharply, fingers and thumb extended and joined, palm facing down, and place the tip of the right forefinger on the rim of the visor, slightly to the right of the eye.
So they would go for a palm down salute because they didn't want to show the dirty side of their hand to their superiors. It was considered rude. The tradition continues even though the machinery in the ships have improved. The National Defense Authorization Act of contained an amendment to allow un-uniformed servicemembers, military retirees, and veterans to render a hand salute during the hoisting, lowering, or passing of the U.
When taps is played during military funerals, military members will render a salute from the beginning until the conclusion of the song. Civilians should place their right hand over their heart during this time. Saying "Good morning, Sir," or something along those lines is encouraged when you salute a superior.
Perform the salute, then greet the soldier while holding the salute. If you are reporting to the officer, you should identify yourself and state that you are reporting. For example, "Sir, Private Jones reports. It is immaterial if they are or are not in uniform; that's a matter for them and their return or acknowledgment of the offered salute.
Salute all officers, colors and standards not cased. As soon as you looked at there ID and noticed they were an officer, you should render a salute. A salute takes.
If in a parade, the salute to the flag should be rendered at the moment the flag passes. Police officers not in uniform and civilian personnel should hold their right hand over their heart. In the US Army, it is proper and required to salute a non-commissioned officer when reporting.
If, in passing, a Private salutes a non-commissioned officer, one of two things might happen. Civilians who are present give the following salute to the national flag: standing at attention firmes , they raise their right arms and place their right hands on their chests, in front of the heart. The hand is flat and the palm of the hand is facing the ground. Ten-hut is an American military term that means, "Come to attention! It is common to salute while walking. Of course this is only done when an officer is approached, both people are in uniform, and the location is appropriate.
There is no need to stop in order to salute. While the junior member must initiate the salute it is just as required that the senior officer return the salute. Actually, no regulation specifies that the president should salute or return the salute of military personnel. In fact, U. Army regulations, for example, state that neither civilians nor those wearing civilian attire both of which describe the U.
Enlisted and NCO members must salute officers. Officers salute senior officers. But you may salute anyone you wish; it is a sign of respect. The appearance of my hand is the same as everyone around me unless you look very, very closely. This is my permanent physical difference. Again, nothing to get bent out of shape about. The Defense Authorization Act of and subsequent years authorizes military veterans in civilian clothes to render the hand salute as the flag passes or for the Star Spangled Banner.
Never salute with the left hand. A missing or incapacitated right arm or a right arm that must hold a crutch for handicapped individuals cadets are legitimate reasons for the left-hand hand salute. Saluting with the left or right hand has nothing to do with being disrespectful. The salute, in and of itself, no matter which hand is used, is respectful.
The US military uses the right hand for a reason and that reason is utilitarian, not an issue of respect. Did you know that there are only two authorized left-hand salutes for the American Military? The pipe is held in the right hand when played, and the salute is rendered with the left hand. The Drum Major as well as the unit he leads, follows Revolutionary War standards of drill and ceremonies.
No one else authorized to render a left-handed salute in uniform, but is there an exception? Courtesy required that the inferior make the gesture first. Certainly there is some connection between this old gesture and our present salute. The military salute has in fact had many different forms over the centuries. At one time it was rendered with both hands! In old prints one may see left-handed salutes. In some instances the salute was rendered by lowering the saber with one hand and touching the cap visor with the other.
The following explanation of the origin of the hand salute is perhaps closest to the truth: It was a long-established military custom for juniors to remove their headgear in the presence of superiors. In the British Army as late as the American Revolution a soldier saluted bv removing his hat.