Facebook Twitter Show more sharing options Share Close extra sharing options. Billy Joel performing in New York in By Alexandra Marvar. Actor and singer Doris Day, in Boxing great Sugar Ray Robinson in Liberace at his namesake museum in Las Vegas, in John Glenn, President John F.
Kennedy and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson inspect the Friendship 7, the Mercury capsule in which Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth in Malcolm X in Billy Joel is an avid yachtsman and a fan of retro motorcycles.
Perhaps his preference for these modes of travel is reflected in his singling out only two cars—Edsel and Studebaker—that were both failures in the post-war era. For much of the 20th century, South Bend-based Studebaker was an industry leader.
It attempted to survive by merging with Packard, but the strategy failed. The last Studebaker rolled off the South Bend line in Edsel was an even more spectacular and immediate failure. The car was actually manufactured by Ford Motors. The public was disappointed. The pre-release publicity had encouraged people to expect something far edgier than the relatively conventional Edsel.
Some critics said that the car was doomed by its weird design, especially its vertical front grill. Some said it looked like a toilet seat. Others said it resembled an Oldsmobile sucking a lemon. Ford finally abandoned the car in Truman initiated the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe after the war.
Note : Truman's middle name is the letter "S", such that shoud be no period after the letter. He started his second term in , defeating Thomas Dewey. A famous picture shows him smiling and holding up the Chicago Tribune newspaper with the headline "Dewey Defeats Truman". Doris Day was born on 3 April and passed away on 13 May at age She started singing and touring with the Les Brown Band at age 16 and made her first movie in She soon became a popular movie star and singer, best known for her movies with actor Rock Hudson.
Red China entered the Korean War in the s, when it looked like the U. Partially deaf singer, whose song Cry was a number-one hit, Johnny Ray actually cried in performing the song. It was later made into a hit movie in Walter Winchell was a top gossip reporter, whose newspaper column and radio show could make or break a celebrity. In , he set a Major League record of hitting safely in 56 straight games. DiMaggio married actress Marilyn Monroe in , but the marriage lasted only 9 months.
In the s, he became known as "Mr. Coffee" because of his TV ads for that brand of coffee maker. He was also mentioned in the song Mrs. Robinson by Simon and Garfunkel. Joe McCarthy was a Senator from Wisconsin. He was best known for his work chairing the Senate Committee on Government Operations, which focused on suspected communists in the government. He even investigated the Voice of America,. He was known for his brutal interrogations of suspects, resulting in ruining the lives of both guilty and innocent people.
It was later noted that McCarthy would be careful not to interrogate suspects who might resist his efforts. Usually, he picked on people with weak personalities. While investigating possible communists in the U.
Army, the Army's attorney general Joseph Welch responded to McCarthy's interrogation of a young soldier. He told McCarthy, "Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator.
You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency? The hearings soon ending and McCarthy was left in disfavor. Richard Nixon was a member of the House of Representatives from California when he became involved in the trial of Alger Hiss, who was accused of being a Communist and a spy. Nixon presented evidence that help prove Hiss guilty in This advanced Nixon's political career, and he soon ran for the Senate and won. Years later, he became President of the United States.
Studebaker was a popular car in The styling consisted of a torpedo front end and read window. People joked that the car looked like it was going backwards.
The company went out of business in Television became popular in the late s and early s. Most large cities had only one station. Sets in those days had 10 inch screens and were in black and white.
Color was introduced in , but it was years later until color television became universally popular. Korea was split into north and south after World War II. The United Nations entered the war to defend South Korea.
The Soviet Union made the mistake of walking out on the U. Since declaring war was not acceptable without the approval of Congress, President Harry S. Truman declared the fighting a "police action" to allow the entry of American troops. The war resulted in a stalemate, and Korea is still divided to this day. Marilyn Monroe was a popular "sex symbol" movie star. She was married to baseball hero Joe Dimaggio and later author Arthur Miller. She also was rumored to have relationships with President John F.
Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, as well as mafia boss Joe Gianconna. She died under suspicious circumstances. The Rosenbergs were a husband and wife who were arrested and executed for selling secrets of the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. The hydrogen bomb H-bomb was developed under the guidance of Dr. Edward Teller. It was many times more powerful than an atomic bomb and in fact required an atomic bomb to detonate.
The United States exploded the first H-bomb and a few years later the Soviet Union then exploded their version of the bomb. Sugar Ray Robinson was the middle-weight boxing champion of the world. At the time considered pound-for-pound the best boxer ever. He was also highly personable and popular. The separation between North Korea and South Korea was originally the 38th Parallel, but the new truce decided on a boundary between the countries that was more defensible.
The countries also exchanged prisoners-of-war as a result of the Panmunjom negotiations. He was famous for his brooding and mumbling acting style. He received an Academy Award for his role in On the Waterfront that brought him to be a top box-office draw. Many years later, he starred in the Godfather movie.
The Catcher in the Rye by J. Salinger was an extreme popular book among teens, as it epitomized their attitudes and feelings. Dwight D. He later became a popular president of the United States. The vaccine to the dreaded disease polio was discovered by Jonas Salk and distributed to the world.
On February 6, , Queen Elizabeth 2 ascended to the throne upon the death of her father, King George 6. Her coronation didn't take place until June 2, This was a great event, not only in Britain but in all the countries of the British Commonwealth. It was also big news in the United States and many other countries as well.
Filmed documentaries of the event circulated in Commonwealth countries for a long time after the event and every school child was taken to organized cinema screenings in school time. Rocky Marciano was the heavyweight boxing champion of the world. He retired undefeated. Liberace was a popular pianist and entertainer, who had his own TV show in the s. He was known for wearing sequined tuxedos and having a candelabrum on his piano. He is credited with advising singer Elvis Presley to also wear "fancy clothes" during his performances.
Women adored Liberace, because of his sweet smile and wavy hair. China went Communist. Another popular singer, Johnnie Ray. Big Broadway show, South Pacific. Journalist, Walter Winchell. Athlete, Joe DiMaggio.