Avoid pre-heating the oven. Unless you need a precise baking temperature, start heating your food right when you turn on the oven. Plug air leaks in windows and doors to increase energy efficiency Adjust your thermostat, lower in winter, higher in summer Replace old appliances with energy efficient models and light bulbs If you have the option, install solar panels in your house.
This will also reduce your electricity bill! Get a rug. Carpets and rugs keep your house warm and your thermostat low. If you use a dishwasher, stop rinsing your plates before you run the machine. Choose a better diaper option. Swaddle your baby in cloth diapers or a new, environmentally responsible disposable brand.
Shovel snow manually. Avoid the noisy, exhaust-churning snow blower and get some exercise. Use cardboard matches. Level 3. Things you can do outside your house Shop local. Supporting neighbourhood businesses keeps people employed and helps prevent trucks from driving far distances.
Shop Smart—plan meals, use shopping lists and avoid impulse buys. Though these may be less expensive per ounce, they can be more expensive overall if much of that food is discarded. Shop only for sustainable seafood. There are now many apps like this one that will tell you what is safe to consume.
Bike, walk or take public transport. Use a refillable water bottle and coffee cup. Cut down on waste and maybe even save money at the coffee shop. Bring your own bag when you shop. Pass on the plastic bag and start carrying your own reusable totes. Take fewer napkins. Take just what you need. Shop vintage. See what you can repurpose from second-hand shops. Maintain your car. A well-tuned car will emit fewer toxic fumes. Local charities will give your gently used clothes, books and furniture a new life.
Vaccinate yourself and your kids. Protecting your family from disease also aids public health. Top Stories. Top Videos. Getty Images. There's a reason many of us looked up to superheroes when we were kids. We give life purpose. Trust me. So that we can learn to pick ourselves up. Sponsored Business Content. When you set out to save the world, you just might end up losing track of your home. Anger, however, is not the same as hate, though people often equate the two.
Anger can be channeled into positive action, as a force for good. When our hearts are in the right place, we are working for the benefit of all humanity. You have to save the world. But going to school is even harder. You have to save yourself. Imagine a boot trampling a human face.. The moral to be drawn from this nightmarish situation is simple: Don't let it happen.