Contact our fertility center today to schedule a consultation so you can learn more about the differences between IUI and IVF fertility treatments.
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Patient Login. Book a Consultation. Call Us. IUI vs. Written by Vicken Sahakian. The Intrauterine Insemination IUI Procedure During an IUI or artificial insemination procedure, the intended father's sperm is inserted one or two times into the intended mother or surrogate's uterus in the days following her ovulation.
Find out Which Fertility Treatment is Right for You If you have tried to have a baby for more than a year without success, it may be time to talk with a fertility expert. Previous Story. With more couples across the U. Many couples choose to begin with intrauterine insemination IUI because of its significantly lower cost when compared to IVF. However, IUI is considerably less effective than IVF , and couples may require multiple cycles before being able to conceive, bringing the overall expenditure closer to half the cost of IVF.
In the U. IUI is a simple office procedure that places sperm, collected from the partner and processed in the laboratory, into the uterine cavity. For both IVF and IUI to be successful, an egg must be fertilized and then implant in the lining of the uterus and develop into a full-term infant, or multiple infants.
As discussed before, IUI, or artificial insemination, is the more common fertility treatment. Other than the fact that it is often the first treatment many people try, this is because it is less invasive and fertilization happens internally, not in a lab.
Because of this, artificial insemination requires working ovaries, viable eggs and fallopian tubes and availability of motile sperm after the ejaculate of the male partner is processed.
IVF can also be ideal for those looking to use donor eggs or use a surrogate. To discuss your options in regards to fertility treatments, call Carolinas Fertility Institute at , or schedule an appointment by filling out this contact form.
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