The US Military suffered more casualties than they did during the rest of the war. The Soviets had better luck when they declare war on Japan, not only did they invade Manchuria to drive out the Japanese, but they also invade the Korean Peninsula and even the northern regions of Japan Northern Honshu and Hokkaido.
So with this, the entire Korean Peninsula is under some kind of Communist banner and Japan is now split into 2. This may or may not set the stage for war very similar to what we saw in Korea in our reality. The northern regions of Japan are much colder and thus less populated.
However, things in the US are about to get worse in this alternate reality. The question is now, what would happen during this alternate Cold War and what would happen differently? For one thing, Wallace would probably reject in any way to help rebuild Europe. In our reality, Truman would approve what is now famously known as "The Marshal Plan" to help the war-torn European Landscape, and he believes that if he tried to approve any kind of policy that would just upset the Soviets would mean to bring the 2 nations to war.
It also didn't help that he stirred up some controversy in our reality when he converted to Russian Orthodox Christianity and thus he was sympathetic to the Soviets. He would also wouldn't reject the Soviets who would invade Persia modern-day Iran and even possibly set up a puppet Soviet Government in the region as well. The first nation that would feel this would be Greece as the Soviets would enter Greece and rebuild it which in our reality was one of the reasons to initiate the Marshal Plan.
This would spread to other European nations such as France and Italy as they would establish their communist governments. With this, Germany is reunified under a Communist Government as well, as is the nation's capital of Berlin. Back in America, Wallace would lose the next presidential election as people are in favor of isolation and elect a President that will vow to keep America isolated, and with this America is now once again a neutral nation.
Even in this alternate Reality, Stalin dies in and Beria retains his position of power and was never ousted by Hardline Soviets, and thus Khrushchev never becomes Premier. Eventhough Beria is like Khrushchev in a lot of ways, but he is better at handling big serious projects since in our reality he was one to lead the Soviet Nuclear weapon project.
Under Beria, he would work in De-Stalinization where he would close the Soviet Gulags and denounce his cult of personality, he would also improve food production and even have the idea of improving national health care as well. Human Rights are also something that the Soviet Government will try to pass especially women who are wanting to be equal to their male counterparts, especially with , women that fought in World War 2 and because they too can fight and die for the Motherland, they too can get real jobs like the men and get the same kind of education as men do.
But, American isolation wouldn't last for long. By the s, America accepts the fact that Communism is enveloping the world and will do anything and everything to try to stop it. Women's rights are considered a joke and the Government will only support "Traditional American Values" plus the Governments in Central America are moving more and more left politically which is causing to nationalize American companies which make America lash out, and the next president the USA elects orders for a massive buildup in it's military to ready troops to go to either Central America or Southeast Asia as the USA's infamous " Red Scare" is much more prominent in this alternate reality, so any message sent out my politicians such as Joe McCarthy is much more prominent as well.
America would also reintroduce something called "Anti Catholic Bias" since in this alternate reality a lot of Catholic nations now communist.
The USSR responds to keep the USA from expanding and at the same time try not to risk nuclear war by introducing their weapons to their closest neighbors and allies while condemning the Americans for their war crimes. Even in this Alternate Reality, the USA would still get involved in the Vietnam War, and because the USA would get itself more involved in this war than they ever did in our reality, the Hippie Counterculture Movement and ant-war protests are much more prominent. Because of this, more and more African-Americans decide to "Fight Fire with Fire" as they too resort to violent methods, especially African-Americans who fought in the US Military in the seemingly endless wars in either Central America or Vietnam and they bring their training to help radical African-American Militant Groups like the Black Panthers and others as a racial war begins to mount a spread across the US, including the south which in this alternate reality still hold onto the Jim Crow Laws.
It also doesn't help that by the s, the USA's economy is terrible and even made some bad decisions on what nations they want to trade, which are mostly dictatorships who say that they also do care for their people's welfare, when in reality, they don't. Because of this, issues like poverty, drug use, crime, and unemployment are at an all-time high and the nation is virtually powerless to stop all of these. Even just doing that in Poland alone would head off much of the popular discontent and make the government s very popular.
Making the people happier means that there would be less problems in industry, as well as a system of rewards - perhaps someone reads about the Hawthorne Effect - that reward small, but definite, improvements.
How much effect would these have had? Therefore, we end up with a longer cold war instead of a collapse by either side. This is one of the most discussed possibilities and probably the most unlikely. The communist underground was fragmented, diverse and largely distrusted.
Let's just dismiss that possibility. A scenario in which the US has a prolonged period of instability - even a near civil war - during the s is not as impossible as you might suppose. A civil war of USCW intensity is quite unlikely, but massive disruption is not impossible.
I'm going to assume that one of the major cracks in American society - the treatment of black Americans - blows open in the years after Vietnam. One of the main reasons it did not was the introduction of the Civil Rights Act in , which had the original purpose of protecting black men from job and other discrimination, but at the last minute, in an attempt to kill the bill, it was expanded to include protection for women.
Much to the horror of the white conservatives and the surprise of many people, the bill passed. What if it had not? The years after Vietnam saw the US entering a moral depression, ex-soldiers were unwanted and often made to feel like they were villains.
Most importantly, there were thousands of black troopers who had survived an attempt to secure freedom and justice for the Vietnamese and returned to a nation that still treated them as third class citizens.
Without the CRA, that will be a lot worse and they have the training and experience to lash out at their tormentors. Violence explodes across the south. After a lot of confused underground fighting, there would probably be a crackdown by the federal government, but not one that could hold for long. The north might well be reluctant to send its national guard to fight in the south, while the southern governors would probably play down the danger as to admit its seriousness would mean admitting that the blacks were a serious threat.
The belief that black people are simple would send most of the south looking for another group to blame. They'd probably blame communists, civil rights activists and even Jews for the disturbances and force a crackdown on any organisation with communist associations. These might include left-wing newspapers, unions, strikers and more. The result of these problems would probably mean massive economic problems and a reluctance to station military units overseas when there are serious problems at home - not to mention that the troops would be worried about their families.
The European reaction the effective ending of the US commitments to Europe would be forced by the need to maintain a conventional deterrent. They would need to merge their forces faster and build-up their own forces. They may be able to build better equipment or purchase the leaving US troops equipment, but they'd have problems maintaining any overseas forces. The EU would be driven by the need to hold off the USSR's forces - like Finland, they need to aim to have the forces needed to make any conventional attempt to invade too costly and have the ability to destroy the USSR as a last resort.
Effectively, the USSR has won the cold war, a position of unchallenged global dominance, with the other major players only able to defend themselves, but not prevent the USSR from taking anywhere else. A Euro-Russia War? I base this on a number of facts about the history of Russian Empires, no matter the binding factor:.
I suspect that the Russians would be content to leave the Europeans alone if they recognised Russian paramoncy in their part of the world. A Europe that was weakened by a communist underground - we're probably lucky that the USA does not have an international party - might be a target, but the Russians would probably be better off keeping them as trading partners. Many individuals in the USSR armed forces considered an invasion of Iran to wipe out the fundamentalists they blamed for inciting rebellion within the Moslem republics.
Using Saddam as a cat's paw would have seemed a natural key the USSR and Saddam having had very close contacts at times and, with USSR support, the invasion would probably have been a success. An Iraq ruling or influencing much of the Middle East might have provoked a showdown with Israel, but Saddam was hesitant, in OTL, to invade or support.
To be fair, Jordan and Syria were very keen that Iraqi troops stayed out of their territory. I suspect that the USSR would pressure him not to start a war that might turn nuclear. Afghanistan is an interesting question. The USSR invaded in and managed to hold much of the country for a long time.
If the USA is not shipping supplies to the resistance and the USSR has no impediment to the more extreme suggestions such as mass nerve gas, biological warfare and nuclear dust , it is not impossible to imagine a USSR victory in the nation. Quite how much of Afghanistan would remain, of course, is another question. The USSR will be in a much stronger economic position. The USSR would not have had to build masses of advanced weapons to counter the Regan build-up and to study all the possible ABM systems that the Americans might be deploying.
That alone would free up huge amounts of manpower and resources to feed the nation and build the infrastructure. The soviets were fairly good at large projects, so a massive farm development program might well, on the face of it, have managed to feed the soviet citizens. A failure to do so, after the 'defeat' of the United States, would have meant that the USSR would have broken its promise to restore food after the cold war was won. The containment strategy also provided the rationale for an unprecedented arms buildup in the United States.
To that end, the report called for a four-fold increase in defense spending. In particular, American officials encouraged the development of atomic weapons like the ones that had ended World War II.
As a result, the stakes of the Cold War were perilously high. The first H-bomb test, in the Eniwetok atoll in the Marshall Islands, showed just how fearsome the nuclear age could be. It created a square-mile fireball that vaporized an island, blew a huge hole in the ocean floor and had the power to destroy half of Manhattan.
Subsequent American and Soviet tests spewed radioactive waste into the atmosphere. The ever-present threat of nuclear annihilation had a great impact on American domestic life as well. People built bomb shelters in their backyards. They practiced attack drills in schools and other public places. The s and s saw an epidemic of popular films that horrified moviegoers with depictions of nuclear devastation and mutant creatures. Space exploration served as another dramatic arena for Cold War competition.
In the United States, space was seen as the next frontier, a logical extension of the grand American tradition of exploration, and it was crucial not to lose too much ground to the Soviets. In addition, this demonstration of the overwhelming power of the R-7 missile—seemingly capable of delivering a nuclear warhead into U. In , the U. Army under the direction of rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, and what came to be known as the Space Race was underway. That same year, President Dwight Eisenhower signed a public order creating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA , a federal agency dedicated to space exploration, as well as several programs seeking to exploit the military potential of space.
Still, the Soviets were one step ahead, launching the first man into space in April Students Doing Tons of Homework. Kennedy made the bold public claim that the U. Soviets, in turn, were pictured as the ultimate villains, with their massive, relentless efforts to surpass America and prove the power of the communist system. The committee began a series of hearings designed to show that communist subversion in the United States was alive and well. In Hollywood , HUAC forced hundreds of people who worked in the movie industry to renounce left-wing political beliefs and testify against one another.
More than people lost their jobs.