How old is old enough for a cell phone

It's not just a question of the right age. By the age of 10 or 12, most kids want a phone. But when is the right time and what should you think about before you take the plunge?

An immature year-old may not be able to handle the responsibilities that go with a phone. That includes understanding everything from how charges can add up to how access to social media will affect them. Will they know how to handle cyberbullying? Will they follow the limits you put on phone use?

Is your kid the type that loses stuff or are they good at keeping track of things? Putting limits on phone use is important. And limits on social use of phones is key. Texting with friends can be a huge time suck and having access to social media means kids need to understand that everyone, including college admissions people, can see their posts.

Am I depriving my kid if I don't get him an iPhone? My kid's friend texted an embarrassing photo of her to other friends. What should I do? Is there anything I can do about the spam my kid's phone gets?

Should I buy parental controls from my wireless carrier? Is it OK for me to read my kids' text messages on their phones? What's the best cell phone for kids? Should I worry about my kid's exposure to cell phone radiation? Tweens What is digital harassment? What are the basic safety rules for cellphones? How do I monitor my kids' cell phone use without seeming intrusive? Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Print. Personalize your media recommendations.

How old is your kid? Have an account? Are they responsible? Do you trust them? Are they mature enough? This content is provided for information purposes only.

All information included herein is subject to change without notice. Verizon is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages, arising from or related to use or reliance of the above content. Top Device Brands. Samsung Apple Motorola Google Amazon.

About Verizon. Most Popular. Top Accessory Brands. How should kids use cellphones? And at what age are they emotionally ready to have their own? By Stacey Stein March 21, Marni Rebelo held off on giving her daughter, Mia, a smartphone for as long as possible. And to a degree, it has. These days, the average age when kids get their first smartphones is around 10 years old, according to Calgary-based parenting expert Judy Arnall, author of Parenting with Patience.

So should parents think twice before handing smartphones to their little ones or buying phones for their year-olds so that they can fit in with their friends? When it comes to screen time in general, the Canadian Paediatric Society CPS recommends limiting it to less than one hour a day for children ages two to five years old screen time for children younger than two years old is not recommended at all , while the American Academy of Pediatrics advises placing consistent limits on media consumption for children ages six and older.

Social skills are also learned in person. Ages seven to nine According to a report by the non-profit group MediaSmarts, 24 percent of Canadian children in grade four—some as young as eight years old—own mobile phones.

Cheng says his advice for younger kids also applies to this age group: no phones.


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