How long does gulp alive last

All times are GMT The time now is AM. Contact Us - NJFishing. User Name. Remember Me? Mark Forums Read. Page 1 of 2. Thread Tools. Join Date: Oct Posts: 9. Gulp Powerbait shelf life once opened Wanted to submit this question for some advice Fisherman NJFishing.

Re: Gulp Powerbait shelf life once opened If it's in the juice it'll be good to go. Find all posts by Fisherman Re: Gulp Powerbait shelf life once opened wow, I stand corrected, I don't have a stash of powerbait, that is a stash of powerbait Re: Gulp Powerbait shelf life once opened I keep all my Gulp in a plastic container submerged in the nasty smelling Gulp juice that I've collected from the bags they come in.

Find all posts by HDMarc. Re: Gulp Powerbait shelf life once opened Yeah you'll be fine. Find all posts by MrAC Join Date: Mar Posts: 2, Hope this helps. Reason: need to change gulp to Gulp! Hope a long time Was gonna try tupperware but the peanut buttrer jar seems like a great ideal.

Right now I have a couple of different 3 and 4" shrimp in addition to some sand worms in a tupper ware container. Peanut butter container sounds like a great idea-break out the jelly! I bought some Gulp Alive the last week of September and still had plenty floating in the juice this past week on a trout trip to Emerald Isle.

It worked OK and I caught several trout primarily on the "new penny" color. The next day my fishing partner bought some fresh "natural" color and I noticed that the fresher stuff was much softer and easier to hook on the jig head.

They both caught fish but the newer stuff was really easier to work with. I think if you wrap the container in plastic wrap to keep any air or moisture out, it might retain its flexibility longer. The peanut butter jar is worth a definate try. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom. Patton, Jr. All the "peanut butter jars" I see are plastic that have been sealed with a heat applied aluminized paper, just like Gulp Alive comes. I have had no luck with plastic peanut butter jars. I went to wally world and got some freezing containers with a latch on all 4 sides.

I tested these by putting some water in them and inverting them for a couple of weeks, to see if they leaked. I next put some veg oil in them and repeated testing to include bouncing them on a corner to try and get them to leak. They worked very well and did not leak. Until I put the Gulp stuff in them. Turn these on a side and the Gulp liquid leaks out quickly. There is not a modern container that will hold that stuff. It is spilt all over the inside of my truck.

Next try is a canning jar with a rubber ring. I do know the screw part of the 2-part lid will quickly rust in salt air. More is Better. The only Gulp I fish with now is the 3 inch shrimp in the late fall, winter and early spring.

Just too expensive. My experience with gulp baits is that long before they give up their scent the fish have destroyed them. White shrimp with chartreuse tail has been my go to for 3 plus years in North Carolina for trout and flounder. In December of , these two brothers shocked their clients, friends, and family by quitting their 6-figure jobs to start their dream focused on helping saltwater anglers:. Email: fish saltstrong. Search for:. Join The Insider Club. Menu Close.

By: Luke Simonds on August 15, Comments Put another way, how long does a Gulp lure give off its tantalizing scent? Since the scent is what really makes the fish go wild, this is a really important question.

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