How does royal jelly help fertility

The aim of present study was to evaluate the effects of RJ on a set of reproductive parameters in immature female rats. The treated rats were sacrificed and their ovaries were dissected for histological examination. The serum levels of ovarian hormones, nitric oxide NO and ferric reducing antioxidant power FRAP were evaluated, and the ratios of the ovarian and uterine weight to body weight were calculated.

RJ promotes folliculogensis and increases ovarian hormones. This product can be considered as a natural growth stimulator for immature female animals. Puberty is the underlying reproductive process, in which several maturation changes occur in the body to promote adult phenotype. The onset of puberty is sensitive to the amount of energy reserves of the organism and nutritional status and it is associated with the dynamic dialogue between the environment and genes 1.

In females, estrogens have a key role in the differentiation, growth and function of the reproductive organs. They are identified as the principal hormones in regulation of the female reproductive system 2.

Royal jelly RJ is the most important apiary product, secreted by 5 to 15 day old worker honeybees 3. It possesses several health promoting properties such as antitumor effect, antioxidant activity, and improvement of menopausal symptoms and infertility 4. These compounds exhibited estrogenic effects mediated through interactions with ERs, leading to alterations in gene expression and cell proliferation 5. Nonetheless, RJ has been shown to inhibit the harmful effects of exogenous estrogen on male reproductive tract 6.

Previous study showed that RJ treatment increased plasma progesterone levels in sheep 7. RJ could also be effective in ameliorating pregnancy rate and the lambing rate in Awassi ewes 8. These data prompted us to study the effect of RJ on puberty and fertility parameters in immature female rats. To our knowledge, the mechanism of action of RJ on reproductive function is still unknown.

It may exert its effects via changing hormonal secretions or by containing hormone-like compounds. It has been reported that therapy with bee honey plus RJ may be an effective approach to treat infertility due to asthenozoospermia It has been suggested that over-nutrition before puberty, as well as excessive weight gain might affect the maturation of reproductive system and induce an early onset of puberty It should be noted that during the final oocyte maturation stage, alterations at levels of proteolytic enzymes, cytokines, prostaglandins and nitric oxide NO lead to an increase in the level of reactive oxygen species ROS , thereby inducing ovarian blood flow and helping follicular rupture It has also been suggested that excessive amount of follicular ROS may disrupt the antioxidant defense system, leading to oocyte injury Interestingly, abnormal ROS levels might facilitate various pathological processes, specifically in the ovary and uterus, causing decreased pregnancy maintenance hormones and luteal regression 14 , The antioxidant effect of RJ has been widely examined and confirmed on the male reproductive system 15 , but there is no data regarding the effect of RJ on immature female reproductive tract.

The present study is designed to investigate the effects of RJ on ovarian maturation as well as changes in related parameters in immature female rats. In this experimental study, 32 immature female Wistar rats aged about 25 days g were used for our study.

RJ samples were harvested in sterile bottles at hours after bee larvae were transferred into the queen cell. Different doses of RJ were dissolved in 0. These doses were chosen according to previous studies 16 , The fourth group was our control, which received distilled water for 14 days i. On day 14, the rats were weighted and euthanatized by chloroform inhalation in a closed chamber.

Absorbance at nm was then measured using a spectrophotometer Pharmacia, Novaspec II, Biochrom, England and was compared with a standard curve constructed with known concentrations of FeSO 4 7H 2 O. The serum levels of NO were determined colorimetrically by Griess method, which includes the conversion of nitrate to nitrite.

Griess reagent facilitates the conversion of nitrite to a deep pink azo substance Briefly, equal volumes of Griess reagent and serum samples were mixed and incubated at room temperature for minutes. The ovaries and uteri were dissected and cleaned from fatty tissues and were weighed afterwards. The five largest sections of each ovary were used for follicular and corpora lutea investigation. Histopathological examination was performed to measure the effects of RJ on the mean number of primary, secondary, graffian follicles and corpora lute.

Samples were evaluated for histological changes under an optical microscope and images were captured for further analysis using an image processing software Motic There were no outliers, and the data were normally distributed for each group, as evaluated by box plot and Shapiro-wilk test, respectively. Effect of royal jelly RJ on body weight first and final weight. Royal jelly RJ effect on the ovarian and uterine weights. Histogram of ovarian weights and B.

Histogram of uterine weights. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which prevent the cells of the reproductive system from being damaged. The phytoestrogens present in it give a gentle boost to fertility. It is not only a superfood for females, but reports show that it improves DNA integrity, motility, viability, maturity and sperm count in males too.

Royal jelly is given to the Queen Bee to give birth to millions of bees in a beehive. It has, therefore, been identified as a fertility-boosting supplement. The safety of royal jelly in pregnant women is not known, and so expectant ladies should stop taking it after conceiving. The multiple benefits are stated below:. Royal jelly, a dietary supplement, is taken to boost fertility and reproductive health.

Royal jelly for male fertility is quite common as it increases libido, sperm count and virility apart from boosting female fertility.

For centuries, humans have been consuming royal jelly for fertility enhancement. It is available in a semi-liquid state or as capsules. After purchasing it, you must read the instructions mentioned on the label. The optimal dosage can be determined after some more research.

Royal jelly capsules dosage for fertility is 3 soft gels between meals per day. The traditional dosage is — mg taken in 2 -3 doses throughout the day. Royal jelly dosage for male fertility is nearly the same as women.

Royal jelly tablets fertility is also very commonly taken. Seems the science is not there regarding fertility treatment. She is not allergic to bees, but I am. Submit Comment. Want to know how to give your baby a head start in life? Receive the recipes specific to your needs. Does Royal Jelly help with fertility?

Martin on June 1, at pm. Jessica Howard on June 26, at am. Lady on April 5, at pm. Aldda on January 20, at am. Thank you Reply. Marcus on December 2, at am. Submit a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. See the details. Get nutritious recipes. Area you're most interested in Monthly Weekly Daily. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. As seen in. What is the best kind to take and where to buy it? Also, does it interfere with thyroid medication if taken at least three hours after medication?

It is a highly concentrated, therapeutic product. To be sure, take it at least one hour away from each other. I'd also suggest running this by a good pharmacist as they know the interactions of medications best. I have been doing lots of reading and studying n reference to fertility. I cleaned up my general diet a lot, but special supplements were not suggested to me while I used my Western medicines. I am now seriously contemplating royal jelly, maca, and green tea.

Are these things okay to use together? Can you please help me? Thank you very much! Michelle Angela's Comments: I see no reason why you couldn't take these three ingredients together but I do recommend you run this protocol past your pharmacist or a Naturopathic Doctor as they will know the unique interactions best. One thing I will say is that don't introduce all three ingredients into your system at the same time. Do this slowly and gradually. I'm 47, but what the blood test and all says I'm good to go but we are still having problems.

So, I found this product and I'm hoping it will work but the only forum I have been able to find was in Honey forum. Will this type of royal jelly is good as the freeze dried or capsules? Angela's comments: No, you need to use full strength capsules or powder. The amount of royal jelly in the honey is not high enough to have a therapeutic effect for you. After moved to Canada last year from Brazil, I decided to keep using royal jelly here too but I was having difficulty to find in NL so after a time I discovered Bee pollen buzz and I ordered last year on September just to keep the health.

My son with 9 and me usually have propolis and royal jelly and now my husband too. Take fresh royal jelly every day! In Brazil where I came from we just take with plastic spoon the royal jelly, no steel or iron or other types of spoons because we are warning that different types of spoons can change the PH of royal jelly.

This is personal experience and hope this comment can help many people, not just women but men that wants take care the health.

Not just for fertility but for a lot of benefits we know the honey, propolis and royal jelly is amazing for. Merry Christmas for all and God bless you! Subscribe to Our Newsletter! Shop Now. Shipping Policies. Return Policy. Mail Order. Terms of Use. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Disclaimer: The information on Bee Buzz. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice.

It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Angela Ysseldyk and her community. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified heath care professional.


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